Train Operations

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Rail Operations Commence


We are extremely proud to announce that railway operations have re-commenced on the Cooma to Snowy Junction section of railway line, and our railway maintenance vehicles will be traversing this section from Saturday 25th May 2024. This week saw a significant milestone for CMR and an exciting time for everyone who has worked so hard to get to this point. Firstly, our inaugural group of Track Machine Operators successfully completed their training and are now qualified to operate our track maintenance vehicles. These volunteers have been working towards these qualifications for several months and we're so proud to see [...]

Rail Operations Commence2024-06-10T21:22:57+10:00

Community Announcement – Railway Reactivation


We would like to advise that from Saturday 18th May 2024, the section of railway line between the southern end of Cooma Railway Station and the Polo Flat Road level crossing at Snowy Junction will be reactivated. Rail maintenance vehicles will commence regular operation on this section of track as restoration work continues. 👷‍♀️ PLEASE NOTE: For safety reasons, access to the railway corridor is restricted to qualified personnel only. When crossing the railway line, please use the designated crossing points at Yareen Road Level Crossing or the Thurrung Street Overbridge. 🚗 MOTORISTS: The Yareen Road Level Crossing is [...]

Community Announcement – Railway Reactivation2024-06-10T21:22:39+10:00
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