While the pandemic has disrupted the plans of many organisations across the country, including CMR, our dedicated team have continued to work tirelessly on restoration projects and capital works within the railway precinct but equally as important, we’ve also been putting a lot of energy into planning for the future of the museum.

The goal of the Cooma Monaro Railway is to develop a nationally recognised, year-round, destination attraction for the Monaro region, providing visitors with a total heritage railway experience for all ages. We want to ensure that we create an attraction that is both self-sustainable financially and continues to help strengthen the local economy while preserving the heritage of NSW Railways for many years to come.

Across 2020 and 2021, we were able to finalise the Concept Plan for the Cooma Railway Precinct. This is an exciting development because it allows us to share our vision for the precinct with you and highlight some of the exciting things that are in the works, including:

🔹 Two road display shed for restored rolling stock.
🔹 Railway Barracks Accommodation that can be booked by visitors for overnight stays and other railway experiences.
🔹 Picnic and BBQ areas throughout the precinct.
🔹 Restoration and re-installation of coal stage, fuel infrastructure gantry crane, etc.
🔹 Renovation and conversion of the Goods Shed into a function centre.
🔹 New carriage storage shed to house passenger rolling stock.
🔹 New permanent way shed and railway workshops.
🔹 Restoration of the Railway Institute building and tennis courts for public hire.
🔹 Extensive landscaping, tree planting, development of ornamental gardens across the precinct and installation of fresh produce gardens that will supply fresh produce to our café and hampers for railway journeys.

Couple that with heritage train rides and hands-on railway experiences and we believe we’ll be the premier destination for heritage railway in NSW.

Excitingly, it’s not just a plan on paper with capital works already underway and many items either complete or progressing well, including:

🔹 Interior, period correct restoration of the Cooma Station building to house the CMR museum. [Complete]
🔹 Renovation of the District Locomotive Engineers building to act as a headquarters for CMR volunteers including kitchen, meeting rooms, amenities and lockers for our volunteers. [Complete]
🔹 Installation of perimeter security fencing around the entire railway precinct to protect the precinct and rolling stock from vandalism. [Complete]
🔹 Re-connection of power, lights and communications across the precinct. [Complete]
🔹 Installation of a network of security cameras across the precinct [Complete]
🔹 Restoration of the signal and interlocking system. [In Progress]
🔹 Erection of temporary shelter for Steam Locomotive 3203. [Complete]
🔹 Trees and rose gardens [Ongoing]
🔹 Establishment of temporary railway workshops in the Goods Shed. [Complete]
🔹 Two road display shed. [Architectural Planning]

We hope you will like the Cooma Heritage Railway Precinct as much as we do and we look forward to welcoming everyone as we continue to develop the site.

If you would like contribute to the development of the Cooma Railway Precinct, donations can be made on our online store


All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

We are also looking for assistance in kind with things like machinery and equipment hire or donation of services.

As always, we’re always happy for people to come down and join our volunteer teams. If you think you might be able to help with these projects, please get in touch through Facebook or via email at secretary@cmrailway.org.au.